The Intestacy Rules
The Intestacy Rules ( included in the Administration of Estates Act 1925) set out who gets what if you die without making a will.BELOW IS OUT OF SYNC SO RECHECK AGAIN AND REWRITE
If you are not married ( or in a Civil Partnership ) and have no children
Your surviving relatives will inherit in the following order:
Brothers or sisters or their children (or children’s children)
Half brother or sisters or their children (or children’s children)
Uncles or aunts (brothers and sisters of the whole blood of a parent) or their children (or children’s children)
Uncles and aunts (brothers and sisters of the half blood of a parent) or their children (or children’s children)
If you are married ( or in a Civil Partnership ) and your estate is worth more than £250,000 and you do not have children but have parents or brothers or sisters or their issue
The surviving spouse’s/civil partner’s automatic share goes up to £450,000 and they still receive the personal possessions. Half of anything left over also goes to the spouse/civil partner absolutely (meaning that it is not subject to a life interest). The other half goes to the surviving relatives in this order:
Brothers or sisters (whole blood) or their children (or their children’s children)
If you are married ( or in a Civil Partnership ) and your estate is worth more than £250,000 and have children thenThe first £250,000 and the personal possessions will go to the spouse/civil partner and they will get a life interest in half of whatever is left over. The other half will go to the children immediately with the rest following when the life interest ends on the death of the spouse/civil partner.
If any child should pre-decease you, then their own children (your grandchildren), would get their parent’s share and so on if a grandchild has predeceased.
If you are married or in a Civil Partnership and your estate is worth less than £250,000
Your surviving spouse/civil partner gets everything.The Intestacy Rules ( included in the Administration of Estates Act 1925) set out who gets what if you die without making a will.If you have no surviving spouse/civil partner, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, first cousins; in this unhappy predicament
everything goes to the Crown !Not to Her Majesty